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12 Reasons
to Market Online

(learn why you shouldn't wait one more minute to
market your business online!)


Marilee Tolen, RN
Producer, Intro To Internet Marketing

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Work from Home

Make Money!


If you are a
Holistic Health Care Professional, a Healing Arts Practitioner or
a Creative Woman in Business
who is passionate about helping people
~ here is a very important question......

Would you like to share your gifts, talents, and abilities with more
people and make more money?


Dear Esteemed Healing Colleague,

If you haven't noticed by now. . .
. . . many professionals like yourself are going online with their
practices and business. . . and packaging their information to
support their existing clients and patients and to reach a broader
audience to attract new people who need their services.

And once these folks get their businesses going online - they fast
become amazed. . .because the ability to touch people globally
is immediate, and the possibility of making another
stream of income with their existing knowledge / experience / expertise
becomes an instant reality . . .especially when they wake up in the morning
and read the email orders that came in while they were sleeping and then
see the deposits in their bank accounts.

This isn't fluff.

This is real.

And this is why I, as a Nurse Healer, decided six years ago to study
Internet Marketing.

What I saw in the big picture is an opportunity not only for myself
but for other 'helpers to the world' to access more people to help
and to make their worth and more in return.

Women in service professions, and even women in other businesses,
 have been grossly underpaid - and still are.

Think about this. . .
. . have you ever been sick, or in a state of need, and
a wonderful angel shows up to help you and guide you - maybe it was a  Health Advocate,  a Natural Healing Partner,
 or a nurse/health care professional
who showed you the ropes in the crazy health care system
or gently held your hand after a life threatening diagnosis -
or maybe she practiced a healing modality on you that
offered more relief than any drug could,
because it was infused with love and caring
(something a pharmaceutical could never replicate) there a price tag on that?

This kind of treatment and care is priceless!

Yet these "angels"
(you, who are reading this, are probably one of those angels)
often receive very little financial return for that service,
and often end up
having to do other work in the world
they don't like just to pay their bills.

Wouldn't it be great if they (you) could make the money they (you) deserve so
they (you) can keep doing what they (you) are doing...........
God knows the world
need more people who can help others
who can empower them with information,
resources, tools, and techniques
to help them with prevention of disease
and healing certain problems.

You, Ms. Healer, can learn to bring your work to the world
through what I call
"Education Based Marketing" -
in both online and offline techniques.

I've been teaching an internet marketing course for
over three years where I bring
in the industry experts to teach an intro into their area of expertise.

This course is called "Intro to Internet Marketing" (IIM) and
is becoming increasingly popular.

I continue to be blown away by what the
graduates of this program are doing.

I offer this program twice a year.

I am now offering a monthly mentorship program based on much of the information that comes out of my IIM Course.  This is not a replacement for the IIM Course.  The IIM Course is extremely unique with many times untouchable experts coming in to give high powered info in a short time.

My M5 Mentorship Program is based on the core IIM program and helps slowly introduce the newbie into this world of internet marketing, and also helps the IIM graduate stay supported and helps them implement the many techniques and tools that they learned about in the program.

Anyone can jump into my new M5 Mentorship Program to get the support to help you move forward from where ever you are
 in the process of getting your work online.

This is excellent for the IIM Graduate to deepen you knowledge and get the
Masterminding and Support you need to get what you learned implemented.

It is also excellent for the person who has an intention to take the six week
IIM course but to jump in right away and get a picture and a sense of how all of
this Internet Marketing stuff works!

Please read over the features of this program and if you have any questions
you can email me at

And, if you haven't watched the video yet - be sure to watch it! It will remind
you how Magnificent you are! and how you deserve to get paid for what you do in the world!

Register for this program below!





Marilee Tolen’s
M5 Mentorship Program
Magnificence Mission Mastermind Marketing Money


Silver Level


Free Membership to Home Spa Lady’s “Inner Circle”


One monthly training call w/ open Q & A w/ occasional guest speakers


Recorded MP3 file emailed to you


Disc from training call mailed to you


Up to one hour email support every month


Discounts on programs


Special Membership Site for M5 Silvers Only


Resource and Rolodex Page

Current Bonuses:


‘Free Advice Friday’ every quarter (every three months)


20 minute call-in during specific hours for one on one mentoring


20% Discount on Intro to Internet Marketing Course


One 20 minute Laser Strategy Session for the IIM Grads / Flies on the Wall

Training topics will be offered through a tele-webcast forum and include (this and more):

bullet Email Marketing
bullet Newsletters
bullet Websites
bullet Blogging
bullet Social Networking
bullet Product Creation
bullet Publicity
bullet Teleseminars
bullet Netiquette
bullet List Building
bullet Articles
bullet Affiliate Marketing
bullet Joint Ventures
bullet How to use a shopping cart

~ Monthly Investment:  $47~

 Mentorship Program - Silver Level $47/mo. >> 

Don't Know About Home Spa Lady's Inner Circle?
(You get this as a part of your Silver M5 Package!)
Watch this video to see what you get as an Inner
Circle Member!


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Internet Association of Information Marketers